Welcome to michiexile.github.io

Here, I have gathered a selection of web apps I have developed.

  • michiexile/wcpalette: d3js/web app to compose, visualize and fiddle with watercolor palette compositions
  • michiexile/laplace: JavaScript toy to play with eigenvectors of the Graph Laplacian (and maybe Simplicial Complex ones)
  • michiexile/steady-state-dosage: A Github Page to calculate steady state and range for an excited exponential process (like a medication regime).
  • michiexile/xkcd-1688: Visualization for the XKCD 1688 world map flowchart
  • michiexile/michiexile.github.io: GitHub Pages top page.
  • michiexile/bracer-pattern: This is a GitHub Pages webapp that generates an SVG with a pattern for an arm bracer (in fabric or leatherwork) based on a truncated cone.
  • michiexile/color-spaces: Web app toy for exploring a variety of different color spaces, including RGB, HSL, CIELAB and more.
  • michiexile/monty-hall-simulator: Simulator webapp/webgame for the Monty Hall Problem. You can either play one game at a time against the simulator, or setup probabilistic strategies and play batches of simulated games. It keeps track of win/lose stats for your choices, and for the strategies of Always Stay and Always Swap.
  • michiexile/cuny-nomic: Nomic game played as part of the CUNY Graduate Center's course on Programming and Hacking Communities.
  • michiexile/leather-working: A blog and project description page about my leather working and leather crafting projects
  • michiexile/exercise-timer: A simple little web-app to help time exercise programs.
  • michiexile/knot-games: A selection of web games based on Knot Dice.