2023-09-13 00:00:00 +0000 - Written by Edward Miller
Minutes - Programming and Hacking Communities Meeting
9/13/2023, 11:45am
- Meeting Chair:
- Sreehari Kalloormana
- Meeting Secretary:
- Edward Miller
- Present:
- Mikael Vejdemo Johansson (MVJ), Jonathan Hanon (JH), Bilal Abdulrahman (BA), Mark Schramm(MS), Zhiyuan Jin (ZJ), Edward Miller (EM), Sreehari Kalloormana (SK), Joshua Rollins (JR)
Meeting called to order at 1:10pm
ZJ not in meeting when called to order.
Proposal for agenda:
Approving of Agenda Approving the minutes of the previous meeting Approving the subcommittee proposal Evaluating pull requests Unfinished business New business
Item 1. Approving the Agenda
Agenda moved by MNJ, seconded by JH
BI proposes to amend agenda to switch items 3 and 4, ZJ entered meeting at 1:11pm and proposal seconded by ZJ
Amendment to agenda to switch 3 and 4 passes by majority voting against EM, SK, MS
Amendment to agenda to delete item 3 and move item to 5a under unfinished passes by majority, voting against EM and JH
Amended Agenda carries by majority vote, voting against EM, BA
Item 2. Approving the minutes of the previous meeting
JH proposes correction of minutes to correct spelling of Mark Schramm’s name to previous minutes,
Correction of minutes passes with no objections
Minutes approved as corrected with majority vote, voting against: ZJ
Item 3. Evaluating pull requests
Pull requests created by MVJ
BA proposes Rule F23 evaluated first, MVJ seconded. Proposal to evaluate F23 first passes by majority, voting against: EM, ZJ, JR Proposal to treating week old pull requests as unfinished business passes by majority, voting against: EM
MVJ proposes to amend F23 rule to change spelling from ‘nae’ to ‘nay’ Amendment passes with no objections. Amended F23 rule passes by majority: voting against EM, JR, MS
SK as chair evaluates next pull request – Rule 303 MVJ proposes to amend 303 formatting. Proposal passes with no objection.
Withdrawal of 303 change passes by majority: voting against JH MVJ proposes to consider 208 next. Proposal passes by majority, voting against EM, ZI, JC
BA proposes amendment to rule change by keeping point system in place but that game ends at the end of the semester., and the player with the most points wins. Amendment passes with majority vote Voting against: ZJ, JH
Rule change for 208 defeated by voting against JH, MS, ZJ, EM, JC
SK motions to adjourn, motion approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:57 pm