
The game Nomic played as part of the course on Programming and Hacking Communities.

2023-10-25 00:00:00 +0000 - Written by Sreehari Kalloormana

Minutes - Programming and Hacking Communities Meeting

10/25/2023, 11:45am

Meeting Chair:
Jonathan Hanon
Meeting Secretary:
Sreehari Kalloormana
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson (MVJ), Jonathan Hanon (JH), Edward Miller (EM), Joshua Rollins (JR), Rose Wong (RW), Sreehari Kalloormana (SK), Mark Schramm (MS), Zhiyuan Jin (ZJ), Bilal Abdulrahman (BA)

Meeting called to order at 12:26pm. BA not present when meeting called to order.

Proposal for agenda:

  1. Approving the agenda
  2. Approval of the previous minutes
  3. Unfinished Business
  4. Pull requests
  5. New business

Item 1. Approving the Agenda

MVJ moves to approve the agenda. Seconded by EM. Passes unanimously.

Item 2. Approving the Previous Minutes

EM moves to suspend the rules temporarily to consider all the edits to the minutes as one. Seconded by RW. Passes unanimously.

Several edits proposed, including, correcting MVJ’s initials from “MJV”, misspelling of “question” in line 79, switching the order of nays and ayes, subsubsubheadings for each pull request, line 100 to “6-1”, pull request numbering in line 114, etc.

MVJ moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by EM. Motion passess unanimously.

Item 3. Unfinished Business

Pull Request 41

MVJ moves to fix the spelling in the pull request. Seconded by RW. Ayes: MVJ, EM, JR, SK, MS, ZJ, RW Abstentions: BA

JR moves to amend the PR by restricting the maximum duration of the auction to 2 minutes, supervised by the chair. Seconded by MVJ.

MS proposes to add that at the end of the two minutes the person with the highest bid recieves the PR priority.

MS calls the question, seconded by BA. Passes unanimously.

MVJ proposes an amendment to handle the pull requests as a priority queue. Seconded by BA.

JH proposes an amendment to the amendment to invoke the PR number in the case of equal priority, seconded by RW.

JH moves to suspend the rules of Robert’s Rules of Order to edit the wording of the statement of the PR from “spending” to “proposing to spend”. Seconded by BA. Passes unanimously.

MVJ calls the question on the amendment to the amendment. Seconded by RW. Passes unanimously.

MVJ moves to introduce a further edit to the amendment by changing an article to “a”. Seconded by BA. Passes unanimously.

JR calls the question on the amendment to the PR. Seconded by BA. Ayes: MVJ, JR, SK, ZJ, RW. Nays: EM, MS. Motion passes.

MS calls for a point inversion. EM seconds. Ayes: MS, EM, BA, JH Nays: MVJ, RW, SK Motion passes.

BA proposes an amendment to state that everyone gets 100 points at the point of adoption of the rule. Seconded by ZJ.

MVJ calls the question on the amendment. Seconded by BA. Ayes: BA Nays: MVJ, RW, SK, ZJ, EM, MS Abstention: JR Motion does not pass.

BA moves to call the question on PR 41. Seconded by RW. Passes unanimously.

The chair calls the question on PR 41. Ayes: MVJ, ZJ, MS, EM, SK Nays: RW Abstentions: JR, BA

SK raises a point of order on the permissibility of abstentions in voting on pull requests. Point well taken by the chair.

BA moves to suspend the rules which do not allow abstainers to be counted among the participants in a voting. Seconded by EM. RW objected to the suspension.

PR passes as amended with 5 vs 1. BA loses 43 points. RW loses 10 points.

Pull Request 52

MVJ calls for suspension of the rules of NOMIC to combine the transmutation and change of rule 105 into a single vote, by proposing to spend 6 points to consider this rule change first. Seconded by BA. BA calls the question on the suspension of NOMIC rules. Seconded by RW. Passes unanimously.

MVJ spends 6 points.

BA moves to call the question on PR #52. Seconded by MVJ. Passes unanimously.

Question called by the chair on PR #52. Ayes: MVJ, ZJ, MS, EM, SK, JR, BA Abstentions: RW Motion fails.

MVJ loses 10 points.

Pull Request 53

MVJ creates PR #53 which creates a new rule to allow for abstainers to be counted among participants. 1 point proposed by BA to move to the top of the priority queue.

JR proposes an amendment to change the mutability status of the proposed rule. Seconded by BA. Ayes: MVJ, ZJ, MS, EM, SK, JR, BA Abstentions: RW Amendment passes.

JH calls the question on PR #53. Passes unanimously.

PR passes unanimously.

MVJ gains 63 points.

BA moves to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by RW. Passes unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM.