
The game Nomic played as part of the course on Programming and Hacking Communities.

2023-11-01 00:00:00 +0000 - Written by Edward Miller

Minutes - Programming and Hacking Communities Meeting

11/1/2023, 11:45am

Meeting Chair:
Joshua Rollins (JR) substituting for Zhiyuan Jin (ZJ),
Meeting Secretary:
Edward Miller (EM)
Mikael Vejdemo Johansson (MVJ), Jonathan Hanon (JH), Bilal Abdulrahman (BA), Edward Miller (EM), Sreehari Kalloormana (SK), Joshua Rollins (JR), Rose Wong (RW)

Meeting called to order at 12:19pm

Proposal for agenda:

  1. Approving of Agenda
  2. Review Minutes
  3. Collection of priority bids
  4. Unfinished business
  5. Reviewing pull requests
  6. New business

Item 1. Approving the Agenda

Agenda moved by JR. Agenda approved as is unanimously.

Item 2. Approving the Minutes

Motion by JR to suspend the rules to allow for all changes to minutes to be approved at once, seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

Minutes amended to show points lost by BA as 43 points and RW losing 10 points during consideration of Pull Request (PR) 41.

Minutes amended to show 63 points gained for PR 53, and BA spending 1 point.

JH uses point of privilege to leave the meeting at 12:34pm.

JR calls for vote, minutes approved as corrected unanimously.

Item 3. Collection of priority bids

JH returns to meeting at 12:38pm

Item 4. Unfinished Business

Pull Request 54

Consideration of PR 54 - Rule 354 by BA.

BA spends 6 points on PR 54.

BA proposes amendment changes number 30 to the number 15 and changes half an hour to 15 minutes.

JR makes point of order with regards to SK having the floor during discussion of amendment to proposed rule

MVJ makes point of order with regards to there is amendment on the floor that needs to be considered

BA proposes amendment that penalty cannot exceed 50 points. JH proposes amendment to amendment cannot exceed 45 points instead of 50 points.

JH calls the question, seconded. Amendment to amendment passes with majority vote, MVJ votes nay.

JH proposes rewording of amendment to state that players late to class by more than 15 minutes receive a point deduction for each point that they are late - 15 minutes for a maximum of 45 points.

JR calls for vote to reword amendment, passes unanimously. JR calls for vote on proposed amendment, passes unanimously. JH proposes amendment to reword “absence” to “player’s absence”, seconded. JR calls for vote on amendment, amendment to rule passes unanimously.

Vote taken on rule 354, 6 ayes, JR votes nay.

Rule 354 passes with majority vote.

Pull request #57

Consideration of PR 57 - Rule 357 by MVJ.

MVJ spends 5 points on PR 57.

JH makes motion for point inversion for pull request 57.

Point inversion passes with majority vote, 6 ayes, MVJ votes nay.

JH calls question, vote taken on rule 357, vote taken, 6 ayes, JR abstains.

Rule 357 passes with majority vote.

Pull Request 58

Consideration of PR 58 – Removal of rule 209 by MVJ

MVJ spends 5 points on PR 58.

JH calls question, vote taken on removal of rule 209, 5 ayes, JR nay, EM nay.

Removal of rule 209 passes with majority vote.

Pull request 42

Consideration of PR 42 – Rule 307 by BA.

Motion to review not seconded, and not reviewed.

Pull request 46.

Consideration of PR 46 – update of rule 208 by BA.

Motion to review not seconded, and not reviewed.

Pull request 47

Consideration of PR 47 – Rule 346 by BA

MVJ proposes amendment to add 100 points to players with negative point balances and players with positive points to 50 points, seconded.

JH proposes amendment to amendment changing the word “positive” to “non-negative”, seconded.

JH proposes amendment to amendment to change adding 100 points to setting point balance at 50 points for players with negative point balances.

JH calls question, seconded amendment to amendment, passes unanimously.

JR calls vote, vote taken on rule 346 - 4 ayes, RW nay, EM nay, SR nay.

Rule 346 passes with majority vote

Pull request 51

Consideration of PR 51 – Rule 351 by JR

JH calls question, seconded.

Vote taken on rule 346 -3 ayes, EM nay, RW nay, SR, MVJ abstaining. Rule 351 passes by majority vote

Pull request 55 put onto the floor.

Consideration of PR 55 – Rule 356 by BA

Point inversion requested by MVJ, seconded. JH calls question, point inversion passes unanimously.

Point of order made by JH, call the question already made during debate.

Vote taken for Rule 356 – MVJ aye, RW abstention, remaining nays.

Rule change defeated.

MNJ motions to adjourn, seconded, motion approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:21pm

Meeting called back to order at 1:41pm by JH, seconded.

Points recorded during game of Fluxx

Motion to adjourn by MVJ, seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 1:41pm

Total Player Points Gained/Lost on Nov-1-23

Note: This does not include point corrections to previous minutes, only those gained/lost on above date.