
The game Nomic played as part of the course on Programming and Hacking Communities.

2023-11-15 00:00:00 +0000 - Written by Bilal AbdulRahman

Minutes of the Programming and Hacking Communities Meeting

November 15, 2023, 12:10 EST

Meeting Chair:

Meeting Secretary:


The meeting was called to order at 12:10 EST.

Proposal for Agenda

  1. Approving the Agenda
  2. Review Minutes
  3. Collection of Priority Bids
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. Reviewing Pull Requests
  6. New Business

Item 1: Approving the Agenda

The agenda was approved unanimously.

Item 2: Approving the Minutes

Motion by JR to suspend the rules for the approval of all changes to minutes at once, seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

MS calls for a vote; minutes approved as corrected unanimously.

Item 3: Collection of Priority Bids

JH returns to the meeting at 12:38 pm.

Order of pull requests: 69 - 27, 70 - 26, 66 - 25, 62 - 21, 65 - 21, 63 - 7, 64 - 7, 73 - 1, 74 - 1

Item 4: Unfinished Business

Pull Request 69

Motion rejected by majority. Ayes: ZJ, JR, RW Nays: BA, SK, MVJ, EM Abstention: JH

Pull Request 70

Pull Request 66

Pull Request 62

Pull Request 65

Pull Request 63

Pull Request 64

Pull Request 73

Motion to adjourn by BA, seconded. Meeting adjourned at 13:40 EST.

Total Player Points Gained/Lost on Nov-1-23

Note: This does not include point corrections to previous minutes, only those gained/lost on the above date.