2023-11-15 00:00:00 +0000 - Written by Bilal AbdulRahman
Minutes of the Programming and Hacking Communities Meeting
November 15, 2023, 12:10 EST
Meeting Chair:
- Mark Schramm (MS)
Meeting Secretary:
- Bilal AbdulRahman (BA)
- Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson (MVJ)
- Jonathan Hanon (JH)
- Bilal AbdulRahman (BA) (arrived 19 minutes late)
- Edward Miller (EM)
- Sreehari Kalloormana (SK)
- Joshua Rollins (JR)
- Rose Wong (RW)
The meeting was called to order at 12:10 EST.
Proposal for Agenda
- Approving the Agenda
- Review Minutes
- Collection of Priority Bids
- Unfinished Business
- Reviewing Pull Requests
- New Business
Item 1: Approving the Agenda
The agenda was approved unanimously.
Item 2: Approving the Minutes
Motion by JR to suspend the rules for the approval of all changes to minutes at once, seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
- Fix SK’s name in the minutes
- Change “abstraction” to “abstention”
- Switch Mark to his acronym
MS calls for a vote; minutes approved as corrected unanimously.
Item 3: Collection of Priority Bids
- JR proposes spending 3 points on PR 73, 74 each.
- ZJ proposes spending 7 points on PR 63, 64 each.
- BA proposes spending 20 points on PR 66.
- MVJ proposes spending 21 points on PR 70.
- JH proposes spending 21 points on PR 62, 65, 69.
- JH proposes spending 16 points on 69.
- JR proposes to revise his bid to 1 point each on all his previous pull request bids.
- BA proposes spending 25 points on PR 66.
- MVJ proposes spending 26 points on PR 70 and 11 on 69.
JH returns to the meeting at 12:38 pm.
Order of pull requests: 69 - 27, 70 - 26, 66 - 25, 62 - 21, 65 - 21, 63 - 7, 64 - 7, 73 - 1, 74 - 1
Item 4: Unfinished Business
Pull Request 69
- Amendment proposed by EM and withdrawn.
- Point inversion proposed by MVJ and seconded by BA.
- Point inversion denied by majority.
- Call to question by BA, seconded by JR.
- Approved by majority.
Motion rejected by majority. Ayes: ZJ, JR, RW Nays: BA, SK, MVJ, EM Abstention: JH
Pull Request 70
- Amendment proposed by MVJ to change “is” to “are.”
- Amendment passes by majority.
- Amendment proposed by MVJ to remove 354 from the rule.
- Amendment passes unanimously.
- Amendment proposed by JR to add a line in the event of absence; the penalty will be multiplied at the time of nomic adjournment on that day.
- Amendment passes by majority.
- Amendment proposed by JH to make the rule an update to 354.
- Amendment passes unanimously.
- JH proposes an amendment to make the update make sense.
- Amendment passes unanimously.
Amendment passes by majority.
- Ayes: RW, SK, JR, BA, JH, MVJ
- Nays: EM
Pull Request 66
- Motion by MVJ to table pull request until spelling mistakes are fixed.
Motion passes with the majority.
- Ayes: RW, SK, JR, JH, MVJ, EM
- Nays: BA
Pull Request 62
- Motion by JH to amend the language to add an amendment clause and add a 20-point penalty to manipulate pull request.
- Amendment passes by majority.
- Motion by JH to add a definition of manipulation of pull request numbers.
- Amendment passes by majority.
Motion passes by majority.
- Ayes: RW, SK, JR, ZJ, EM
- Nays: BA, MVJ
Pull Request 65
- Point inversion called by BA.
- Motion passed by majority.
- Motion by MVJ to make quorum to 9 students.
- Motion denied by the majority.
Motion accepted by majority.
- Ayes: RW, SK, JR, ZJ, EM
- Nays: JH, MVJ
Pull Request 63
- Motion to fix language by BA.
- Passes unanimously.
- Motion to fix language by SK.
- Passes unanimously.
- Motion to call to question.
- Passes unanimously.
Main motion passes by the majority.
- Ayes: RW, SK, JR, ZJ, BA
- Nays: MVJ, JH, EM
Pull Request 64
- Pull request is tabled until the language is fixed.
Pull Request 73
- JH, MVJ, JH propose an amendment to count absent penalties separately from the rule.
- Amendment passes by the majority.
- Call to question by EM.
- Passes by the majority.
Main motion passes by the majority.
- Ayes: RW, SK, JR, BA, EM
- Nays: ZJ, MVJ, JH
Motion to adjourn by BA, seconded. Meeting adjourned at 13:40 EST.
Total Player Points Gained/Lost on Nov-1-23
- BA: -19-15+10 = -24
- MVJ:-11-26+10+93+10-10+5+5 = 76
- JH: -16-21-21-10+51-10-53+5+5 = -70
- EM: 10+5+52 = 67
- SK: 0
- JR: -1
- RW: +10
- ZJ: -7-7+10+46+5 = 47
- MS: 0
Note: This does not include point corrections to previous minutes, only those gained/lost on the above date.