
The game Nomic played as part of the course on Programming and Hacking Communities.

2023-08-30 00:00:00 +0000 - Written by Jonathan Hanon

Minutes - Programming and Hacking Communities Meeting

8/30/2023, 11:45am

Meeting Chair:
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson
Meeting Secretary:
Jonathan Hanon
Mikael Vejdemo Johansson (MVJ), Jonathan Hanon (JH), Bilal Abdulrahman (BA), Mark Schramm (MS), Zhiyuan Jin (ZJ), Edward Miller (EM), Sreehari Kalloormana (SK), Joshua Rollins (JR), Rose Wong (RW)

Meeting called to order at 12:54pm

Proposal for agenda:

  1. Approving the agenda
  2. Pull requests created by MVJ
  3. Presidium assignments for the semester

Item 1. Approving the Agenda

Agenda moved by MVJ, seconded by JH

JR proposes to amend the agenda to include “Formatting of pull requests and commits” as a new item, seconded by RW

Amendment to proposed agenda approved unanimously as Item 4 for the Proposed agenda, we return to discussing the agenda

Agenda carries unanimously

Item 2. Pull requests created by MVJ

Motion by JH to suspend the rules and allow the three pull requests to allow the three rule changes to be able to be considered as one unit, seconded by BA.

Motion approves unanimously

Rule change carries unanimously

Item 3. Presidium assignments for the semester

MVJ presents the calendar for the schedule of meetings to the assembly

The assembly agrees to allow MVJ to schedule presiding officers for each meeting

Item 4. Formatting of pull requests and commits

JR inquires about the formatting of pull requests and commits

BA proposes a template for a format to follow

MVJ moves to form a subcommittee on formatting of pull requests and commits, JH seconds

MVJ moves that the proposed subcommittee compose JR, BA, MS, and RW, with a deadline for them to propose a format by the next meeting, JR seconds

JH inquires if the members would agree to serve, the members agree

The motion on the composition carries, we return to the motion to form a subcommittee with said composition

The subcommittee forms unanimously.

Item 5. New Business

No new business introduced.

JH motions to adjourn, MVJ seconds, motion approved unanimously