
The game Nomic played as part of the course on Programming and Hacking Communities.

2023-10-04 00:00:00 +0000 - Written by Sreehari Kalloormana

Minutes - Programming and Hacking Communities Meeting

10/04/2023, 11:45am

Meeting Chair:
Edward Miller
Meeting Secretary:
Sreehari Kalloormana
Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson (MVJ), Jonathan Hanon (JH), Bilal Abdulrahman (BA), Edward Miller (EM), Joshua Rollins (JR), Rose Wong (RW), Sreehari Kalloormana (SK)
Mark Schramm (MS), Zhiyuan Jin (ZJ)

Meeting called to order at 12:38pm

Proposal for agenda:

  1. Approving the agenda
  2. Approval of the previous minutes
  3. Unfinished Business
  4. Pull requests
  5. New business

Item 1. Approving the Agenda

Agenda moved by JR, seconded by BA

MVJ proposes to amend the agenda by processing Pull Request #26 (Proposal 315) first in Item 4, as Item 4a, with everything else under 4b. Seconded by JR.

JR proposes to amend the amendment by moving Item 4a to 2a. Seconded by MVJ. Passes unanimously.

MVJ calls the question on the amendment, seconded by BA. Passes unanimously.

JH calls the question on Item 1, “Approval of the Agenda”. Seconded by MVJ. Passes unanimously.

Item 2. Approving the Previous Minutes

MVJ proposes correction of the minutes by fixing the spacing in lines 62, 65, 73, 88, 91, and 94. Seconded by BA.

JR proposes to add correction of MS’s initial. This was subsumed to MVJ’s proposal.

JH proposes additional edits: fixing capitalizations, missing periods. Seconded by MVJ.

MVJ proposes to consider all the edits as one. Seconded by BA. Passes unanimously.

MVJ moves to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by BA. Passes unanimously.

Item 2a. Pull Request #26 (Proposal 315)

JH moves to replace Proposal 315 with a rule change for Rule 208, seconded by RW.

Proposal number corrected from 315 to 312 by MVJ.

RW moves to amend Proposal 312 to say that “players with the maximum points wins”. Seconded by BA.

JH raises a point of order: The proposed amendment is in conflict with Rule 112. Point of order is well taken.

MVJ moves to suspend the rules in order to consider both the change in mutability and the abolishment of Rule 112 together with proposal 312 as a single unit for consideration. BA seconded. EM calls the question. Nays: JR. Ayes: MVJ, JH, BA, RW, SK.

EM calls the question on proposal 312 together with making 112 mutable and abolishing 112. Nays: JR Ayes: MVJ, JH, BA, RW, SK. The proposal does not pass.

Item 3. Unfinished Business

JH proposes to postpone Item 3 until a meeting in which Mark Schramm is present. Seconded by BA. Passes unanimously.

Item 4. Pull Requests

Consider Proposal 315 by JR.

RW moves to amend the proposal. No second.

JH calls the question. Seconded by MVJ. Nays: BA, SK, EM Ayes: MVJ, JH, JR, RW

MVJ calls for division. Ayes: BA, SK, EM, MVJ, JH, JR, RW

Motion passes. 100pts added to everyone’s score. The first iteration of the game of CUNY-nomic ends.

JH proposes to move to the next item on the agenda. Seconded by JR. Ayes: RW, BA, JH, JR Motion passes.

Item 5. New Business

MVJ proposes a 5 minute recess at 1:23pm. Seconded by BA. Motion passes unanimously.

Recess extended for a few more minutes at 1:28pm.

Meeting called back to order by EM at 1:33pm.

MVJ explains the new rule sets for the next NOMIC game.

EM moves to adjourn at 1:39pm, seconded by BA. Ayes: RW, EM Nays: JH Motion to adjourn does not pass.

EM moves to adjourn, seconded by JR. Ayes: MVJ, EM, JR, RW, SK Nays: BA Abstains: JH Motion to adjourn passes. Meeting adjourned at 1:42pm.