Pattern test for the Blender pattern

29 Dec 2022 - mvj

I used the method described in Pattern from Blender to generate a pattern for the Hedeby Quiver I’m planning to make.

With a finished flattened UV-map pattern, my next step was to sanity-check the conversion - to that end, I’ve used a thick blue felt (instead of leather) and an office stapler (instead of saddle stitch/box stitch), just to see if I believe that wet forming the leather could give the entire thing the shape I’m after.

The stapled up felt model quiver.

While a little bit fiddly to align everything, the test quiver model came out pretty nice. All things bend and cover just as I want them to, and align so I believe that with a tiny bit of stretch in the leather I’ll get all things stitched that I need to stitch.

Top down view of the felt model quiver.

My main area of concern with the pattern is at the bottom, where I need the leather of the lower wedge to curl around and cup the bottom mostly on its own, wet formed into a bottom surface of the quiver. Based on the felt model, I’m feeling good about my chances of getting this right.

Bottom view of the felt model quiver. This is where the wet forming will do the most work, so where I'm most concerned about it working right.