Category blog

Test of stitched cuir bouilli

Even with my previous tests of cuir bouilli, I still have many many questions for details of the process that I should ideally figure out before pouring boiling water over...

Pattern test for the Blender pattern

I used the method described in Pattern from Blender to generate a pattern for the Hedeby Quiver I’m planning to make.

First test with cuir bouilli

I want to try the boiled leather techniques - cuir bouilli - for leather hardening in my quiver project. I’ve read a number of informative sources on how to harden...

Making a Pattern from Blender

For the Hedeby Quiver, I decided to try to generate the pattern myself, with 3d-modeling and UV coordinate maps, rather than building on the approach taken by the Leather Working...

The Hedeby Quiver

For my new leather project, I want to make myself a quiver. I already (write-up coming soon-ish) made my own arm bracer for my archery, but now that I have...

Starting a new blog

Hi everyone - let’s try GitHub out for a blogging platform, why don’t we?

Category hedeby-quiver

Pattern test for the Blender pattern

I used the method described in Pattern from Blender to generate a pattern for the Hedeby Quiver I’m planning to make.

The Hedeby Quiver

For my new leather project, I want to make myself a quiver. I already (write-up coming soon-ish) made my own arm bracer for my archery, but now that I have...

Category archery

Pattern test for the Blender pattern

I used the method described in Pattern from Blender to generate a pattern for the Hedeby Quiver I’m planning to make.

The Hedeby Quiver

For my new leather project, I want to make myself a quiver. I already (write-up coming soon-ish) made my own arm bracer for my archery, but now that I have...

Category computer-assisted

Pattern test for the Blender pattern

I used the method described in Pattern from Blender to generate a pattern for the Hedeby Quiver I’m planning to make.

Making a Pattern from Blender

For the Hedeby Quiver, I decided to try to generate the pattern myself, with 3d-modeling and UV coordinate maps, rather than building on the approach taken by the Leather Working...

Category leather

Test of stitched cuir bouilli

Even with my previous tests of cuir bouilli, I still have many many questions for details of the process that I should ideally figure out before pouring boiling water over...

First test with cuir bouilli

I want to try the boiled leather techniques - cuir bouilli - for leather hardening in my quiver project. I’ve read a number of informative sources on how to harden...

Category cuir-bouilli

Test of stitched cuir bouilli

Even with my previous tests of cuir bouilli, I still have many many questions for details of the process that I should ideally figure out before pouring boiling water over...

First test with cuir bouilli

I want to try the boiled leather techniques - cuir bouilli - for leather hardening in my quiver project. I’ve read a number of informative sources on how to harden...